My Orega-do
Actually , I think I look more like Gilly. Oh, well. “Sorry :)”
Actually , I think I look more like Gilly. Oh, well. “Sorry :)”
I did it! I spent most of my time in the Summer Sweater Knitalong trying to force my hands to knit with fingering weight and being frustrated as they rebelled….
It’s a thing. And I’m feeling it. If you’ve been frustrated recently because my blog won’t let you comment, you aren’t alone. Myself and everyone else, other than the chosen…
So, my Ravelry knitalong friends were not kidding when they said I’d love using Madelinetosh. I misread the yarn requirements and ordered one skein of lace for a woman’s small…
said in my knitting “Wrath of Kahn” voice. This time it’s Wrath of WIPs. Anyway, I have finished all Christmas knitting and am now back to all of…
This is Garden Magic. I didn’t choose to go the melon route, but it chose me. I’m poking around in the last little bits of summer garden and find something…
I had to squeeze in one more for myself. I guess I’ve being influenced by the world around me, but I’m in love with pinks, mauves, and purples these days….
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Must be something in the air. I'm uber grouchy lately too. I really do think I'm just ready for summer. Down to with getting off to school(s)…up with lazy mornings before heading to the pool!!
Is it wrong that I laughed at your list of annoyances? Not at you, the humor, girl! You are a funny lady.
What is it with the neighbor kids screaming outside my window and playing shootout in my driveway? They have their own driveway! Chased them off just last night. Again. Must be universal.
Don't even get me started on FB. Grrrr…always the same handful of people posting the same boring minutiae. There's the chronic complainer, the one who "Checks in" every hour, the bragger, the farmers, etc. Much prefer Twitter. Concise and to the point.
Clever and cute photos. Love your orega-fro. That made me smile. Hope your Friday and weekend is enjoyable.
Okay! So, it's not just me. You know, I think I was worse as a kid. I was like a crotchety old grandma stalking down the halls of my highschool. Guess it's just a phase- reaction to a too busy week.