My Orega-do
Actually , I think I look more like Gilly. Oh, well. “Sorry :)”
Actually , I think I look more like Gilly. Oh, well. “Sorry :)”
Winter makes sense of our basic needs. There’s clarity sitting by a fire, huddling together, lit from the inside out. I could stay up all night.
I was looking for accessories to dress up my old cruiser, when I found an old Schwinn for the price of fenders alone. So I bought it instead, and…
-Neil Schweiber, Freaks and Geeks But I think I’ve seen it more than 47. (365 Day 216 Dig the Star Puffs) For fun, I did a search on the top…
Over the last week, so, so much knitting has been accomplished in the wee hours. Antrorse is finished and blocked, it and my head wrap are waiting for buttons, and…
The first two put him to sleep, the rest were some of his babyhood favorites. Happy Birthday, Jess.
How about knitting striped sleeves two at a time? That’s four balls of yarn perpetually turning on your lap like a vortex. I have come up with a way to…
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Must be something in the air. I'm uber grouchy lately too. I really do think I'm just ready for summer. Down to with getting off to school(s)…up with lazy mornings before heading to the pool!!
Is it wrong that I laughed at your list of annoyances? Not at you, the humor, girl! You are a funny lady.
What is it with the neighbor kids screaming outside my window and playing shootout in my driveway? They have their own driveway! Chased them off just last night. Again. Must be universal.
Don't even get me started on FB. Grrrr…always the same handful of people posting the same boring minutiae. There's the chronic complainer, the one who "Checks in" every hour, the bragger, the farmers, etc. Much prefer Twitter. Concise and to the point.
Clever and cute photos. Love your orega-fro. That made me smile. Hope your Friday and weekend is enjoyable.
Okay! So, it's not just me. You know, I think I was worse as a kid. I was like a crotchety old grandma stalking down the halls of my highschool. Guess it's just a phase- reaction to a too busy week.