Garden Snippets
(day 74)
I was looking for accessories to dress up my old cruiser, when I found an old Schwinn for the price of fenders alone. So I bought it instead, and…
You know how I’ve been itching to use some of the hand dyed single skeins I’ve collected over the last year, but find that I’m always in the middle of…
Don’t look too closely underneath. There may be a secret there. An old friend or two that drifted away for some reason we never quite figured out. Unresolved…
I was reminded again today how good it feels to use what I have to express myself. I have always had a really clear vision of the things I wanted…
These are my Aquae Tanks. The pattern, by Hilary Smith Callis, is the perfect summer tank. The straps are wide enough to hide other straps, I can used worsted to…
Allyson of The Sweatshop of Love is hosting an all-inclusive knitalong of her patterns. That’s stuff from magazines, her website, Holla Knits, other collections, etc. I know I said I…
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I like getting up close, too! Love those purple flowers. What are they?
I just added some more purple flowers I'd forgotten to add to the post, but the first ones are sage. I planted them a few years ago and every year they flower, seed, and resow themselves. I hope they do this year because winter was hard on them. I think the color looks so pretty next to their gray-green leaves.