Let’s Play Catch Up
I’ve been behind in posting, but not in taking, yay!
I’ve just been up late finishing Full Metal Alchemist and working on stuff around here like this.
I’ve been behind in posting, but not in taking, yay!
I’ve just been up late finishing Full Metal Alchemist and working on stuff around here like this.
Not the greatest picture mankind has taken, but I just loved the blue-green colors and thought they needed to be out there, floating around on the internet. It makes me happy…
I always hated track, but loved to run. After running every day in track (yuck) I’d come home and sometimes run some more. Some Saturdays I’d run to a pick…
This has been a long time coming. Ravello, gifted to me by Isabell Kraemer (Thank you, Isabell!), is the perfect lightweight, weekend sweater. Let me prove it: it has stripes, is lightweight,…
Just an update on my Potato Tire Experiment: I let the potatoes tops in the first tire grow to about 8 inches, then added a tire and more dirt. My…
I feel on the brink of something. I realize I’m saying that and then following it with a bunch of pictures of yarn and my cat…again, which begs the…