My Spring Colours Week
My contribution to Spring Colorours Week 2010.
I joined the group late, but enjoyed rummaging through the photos on my computer for half of the color themes.
My contribution to Spring Colorours Week 2010.
I joined the group late, but enjoyed rummaging through the photos on my computer for half of the color themes.
I thought doing a sweater pattern twice would be a little tedious, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how easy this has been. (one sleeve) The first Lady Bat was…
Ugh! I’m sorry I’m so slow to respond to comments and messages. I’m slowly getting into a new rhythm around here. My son is firmly entrenched in his sophomore year,…
This Fade to Black film has been my intro into the world of polaroid. (I’m not counting the joycam that I bought 10 years ago, then could never find film…
I was one of those kids that loved looking through family photo albums and still do. The film record of someone else’s memory became the basis of my own. I…
(my instagram and flickr) I told you so.
About to catch up on posting 365 shots. I’m surprised I’ve eked out the time to post at all lately. Maybe I’m slightly more efficient at photo taking, editing, and…