Not Too Slouchy
Years ago, I read an article about recycling thrift store sweaters by Ashley Martineau. I promptly went out and bought a rubbermaid tub full of thrift store sweaters to unravel.Two…
Allyson of The Sweatshop of Love is hosting an all-inclusive knitalong of her patterns. That’s stuff from magazines, her website, Holla Knits, other collections, etc. I know I said I…
This is pretty much just a photo unload: (day 40) (day 48)
Oh, Jane. How do you do it? Jane Richmond cannot knit a meh item, can she? I love everything that falls off of her needles, and I instantly want it…
I’ll be honest. I just needed a break from making tiny loops with tiny little sticks. No fingering weight, no sport, NO lace. I’ve had these skeins of Araucania Liwen…
Guess I need a fall/pumpkin/Halloween-ish post. Love pumpkins, but I can’t remember carving one as a…