More Utah Instagrams
Here’s the rest of my Instagram Cliff Notes of our trip. Last year I did this and then never posted any “real” photos from Tennessee. We’ll see what happens this time.
Here’s the rest of my Instagram Cliff Notes of our trip. Last year I did this and then never posted any “real” photos from Tennessee. We’ll see what happens this time.
Two days ago, we said goodbye to our first dog. He’s not my first pet to lose but he is the first one I ever felt like I could talk…
This is the more subtle, natural answer to the very shiny, artificial Christmas wreath I made for Christmas. It’s a spring wreath that I made for my grandmother with grapevine…
Riding the ferry to Galveston is a major nostalgia trigger for me. I remember taking it to visit my older sister one summer after my mother passed away. I didn’t…
Years ago, I read an article about recycling thrift store sweaters by Ashley Martineau. I promptly went out and bought a rubbermaid tub full of thrift store sweaters to unravel.Two…
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how cool! looks like a fun trip. i was born in Amarillo, but we moved to Houston shortly after, so I don't remember it at all. it's still neat to see photos from it!
I was amazed at how many people were there from other countries. The Cadillac ranch isn't something you'd think people would travel too far to see. I didn't realize you were from Houston, we were practically neighbors 🙂
It's weird that I spent my child- and young adulthood in Idaho visiting lots of national parks and we never made it to the ones in Utah. Beautiful!
Well, I had heard about some of Utah's parks, but had no idea just how many state and national parks this one state held until this trip. It's incredible. For that matter, I've never even thought of parks in Idaho until I read your comment. I looked some up… there is just so much too see in this country.
Gorgeous, it just makes me want to take a trip there now. If only I could, but I can't so I will just have to live vicariously through your photos.
Grad school is its own trip, right? Your vacation days will be coming soon 🙂
You could say that, a trip with a LOT of reading.