Mindful Living
The last month I have slowed down on projects. Instead I have made time to just be and consider how I’m living:
The last month I have slowed down on projects. Instead I have made time to just be and consider how I’m living:
I had intended to write something about God changing His mind for this post. Pretty hefty topic and I don’t think I’m up to the task, so I’ll just say…
As I consider what I want to knit for the Summer Sweater Knitalong, I keep coming back to big and boxy. I have some Reverie in Hawk that I bought…
You know you have some. I reside in a world of knitting bloggers who love posting details about their finished knits with beautiful photos of themselves wearing them and looking…
I finished this pair of Speckled Space Socks that make me think of Viper Pilots’ Wings about a week ago, then immediately cast on for pairs 11 and 12. On a deadline…
This was a good weekend project. It is Dreiecke by Shannon Cook of Very Shannon and it’s extra special to me because it involves two people whose blogs I love to…
Speaking of wise men, is this a universal truth, or just a coincidence in my home and the one I was brought up in that every Christmas, the last wise man…