Finally Tried It
This is something I’ve been wanting to try for a while but never could warp a record I bought at Goodwill. Even the stinkers are fun. But, I went shopping for the singular purpose of buying bowls, not listening music. Plus I had a scratched up Bee-Gee’s
Sgt. Pepper already. I also had a totally ruined Redd Foxx comedy album as a test bowl.
I thought it was cool to see how different records reacted to the heat. The heavier Decca’s needed higher heat and another seemed to shrink and thicken as it heated. So I did this all morning. We may not have homemade bread this week, but we have bowls o plenty.
I love your LP work! They are so obliging when it comes to moulding them! I tried to work with some CDs but they don't budge until they shatter!