Fall Stuff
Festivals, soccer games, visits, costume making, started a new sweater, treat bags, more soap, marching band, practicing for tournament, my brother’s birthday, regular walks with the dogs- fascinating isn’t it?
69 degrees, sunshine, light breeze, no school. Please take a moment to check out one of my favorite photo sites- Mortal Muses. My resolution is nestled in the middle (num. 9)…
Kollabora is hosting a sockalong for Hermione’s Everyday Socks and since I’m one of the only people in the world to not have knit a pair of these, I thought…
This may not appear to be much progress on my Tops, Tanks, and Tees Knitalong but I’m pleased that I’m finished with most of one sleeve. It’s an…
These have been hanging around in my camera. Thought I’d share. (day 47) (day 51)