Clutch KAL, Week 2
Once I adjusted to this new way of knitting and started over with smaller needles, all has been smooth in the knitalong. It’s one of those hard to put down, “Just one more color section…” kind of projects.
… and I won’t knit for nobody but me.You know, like the song… Love Machine… anyway.. that’s me, lately, working for nobody but me. I am finally making Georgia by…
I wasn’t always comfortable with trusting my instincts, and I don’t just mean when knitting a piece of clothing. Sometime, within the last several years, I have shrugged off the…
It took thousands of stitches in lace weight yarn, but it was worth it. Listen to me, I’m being so dramatic. A quick look at my Ravelry page shows me…
What is this magic called assigned pooling and how can i use it on all of those variegated skeins in the closet? Look at my Murder of Crows sweater progress and pics from a Dawn Barker class.
See the very beginnings of my Spring League Sleeveless Hoodie by Two of Wands and my thoughts on materials and cost.
These photos don’t look very “winter” do they? It’s Second Spring here in Southeast Texas, but I’m knitting away on the wool socks anyhow. You probably recognize the Fine and…