Boiling Water
My grandmommy always says that her mother did all the housework, so when she married she couldn’t boil water. Then she did the same thing to her daughter, who did…
My grandmommy always says that her mother did all the housework, so when she married she couldn’t boil water. Then she did the same thing to her daughter, who did…
Anytime I ever played Star Wars with the kids, they’d always make me be C-3PO. I guess I’m good at accents-or maybe gloomy and fussy. I’m a Star Wars purist,…
Since I have soap on the brain (and all over the kitchen table and top of the refridgerator) I thought I’d post a thank you to Adam, my handyman, for…
I tried pumpkin pie soap once already and it got to trace before I could get pretty little swirls of spice in it. So this is my second attempt. I…
Having lived away from my family for several years, I try to make the most of being back at my hometown. What a blessing to be able to sit on…
On my list of favorite things about being a mom is that I’ve got at least 18 good years of hide and seek before me. And I am the master….
When my daughter was born everything about my life came into focus. If ever I had trouble sensing the choice and the value of each of my actions, if ever…
I am a homemaker, and the home I make is in a small, sometimes cluttered, old house that we love. I found these photos of it before we moved in….
This was my favorite summer cottage in Maine. Like the ultimate playhouse, it has so many of the surface elements that I love packed into one camp house: cedar shingles,…