Senior Pictures and I Didn’t Ruin Them
So, that’s a big relief! I know I can take okay photos, but that’s when it’s for me and when it’s what I like. Why else would I do it?…
So, that’s a big relief! I know I can take okay photos, but that’s when it’s for me and when it’s what I like. Why else would I do it?…
My gardening style is to wait and see what happens. I mean wait too long and then eventually wade into the mess to assess the damage. I have been…
Her request for one of these tops ended my indecision about what to knit in Shannon’s Spring Tops, Tanks, and Tees Knitalong. I was waffling between this pattern, Lady Bat…
So I’m going to ramble about things on the bookish front. These are some of the books I’ve kept beside me for stolen moments. Some have been beside me for…
The Pour Moi Knitalong is all about laying aside your many knitted gifts for others to eek out a little something for yourself. I feel like a fraud. I mostly…
We went to Fort Worth over the weekend primarily for my a memorial service in honor of my husband’s uncle, who passed away not long ago. It was a really…
It’s a wonderfully, dreary day. The kind where you can’t go for a run, can’t get groceries easily and so say, “Why bother?” The kind of day where you are…
I waited to cast on for my Bombshell Shorts so I could join in Project: Stash’s Pour Moi Knitalong. These ladies are all so lovely and I’ve wanted to get…