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Want to See Something Not-So-Neat?
How about knitting striped sleeves two at a time? That’s four balls of yarn perpetually turning on your lap like a vortex. I have come up with a way to…
Happy Days
All summer I’ve indulged in lots of sunshine: walking dogs, riding my bike, long walks, and easy jogs. This is a sampler of my evergrowing Happy Days playlist that I…
Triple Dip
The Tops Tanks and Tees Knit-along surprised me this year. I already had a summer-weight sweater going so I’m jumping in with a WIP this year. I don’t usually do…
Hipster KAL
I knew I would be taking part in the Summer Sweater KAL, that’s a given. But when I heard Brooklyn Knitfolk’s Jaclyn talk about how over “fade” projects she is and…
Color Change
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