Here it Comes
“My feet are planted in the waist-high reeds
In the shadows in the shape of trees
Through the kingdom’s smoky leaves
You’d be laughing too if you could see
On the outskirts long and lean
Not baring gifts on a jet black steed
“My feet are planted in the waist-high reeds
In the shadows in the shape of trees
Through the kingdom’s smoky leaves
You’d be laughing too if you could see
On the outskirts long and lean
Not baring gifts on a jet black steed
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together? Me too and though some haven’t worked out lately, this one did. I ordered a recycled leather bag/ knitting bag from…
Here are a few photos I took of jewelry related things in the last couple of weeks and all the linkage necessary to inspire you to make your own. …
The bear said, Isabel, glad to meet you, How do, Isabel, now I’ll eat you!Isabel, Isabel, didn’t worry,Isabel didn’t scream or scurry.She washed her hands and she straightened…
As you can see, I’ve been slowly working away at all of my KAL sweaters the last two weeks. The Thing to Wear Cardigan is for the Holla Knits KAL…
Do you do it too? You store up your ideas, your energy, maybe even your joy while it’s sort of bleak and just wait, letting them germinate? But there are…