This picture of a ferry ride sixteen years ago is one of my most favorite shots, ever. It’s not a great shot or anything. But I felt so right, so in my element as a wife and mother on that day. Looking at it brings back every conviction and every joy.
Usually seeing a project progress gives me a lift. Something tangible is getting accomplished! But this year I’ve found I’m getting bogged down in projects. I haven’t shifted my expectations…
It’s my new thing. (This is a fibery kind of post; I’m just warning you.) I’m officially all the way into the deep end of summer knitting. Last summer, I…
Drawn to light, but rarely settling enough to savor it. Not self-destructive, just sometimes self- defeating. I can move through life, craving more, but not stay in one place long…
Congratulations!!! My boyfriend and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary in july. It's crazy, how time flies. 🙂 Gorgeous pictures by the way. Especially that last shot.
Thank you, Severien! The time really has zipped by. I can't believe I'm nearing forty when I feel like it's only been a couple of years since that photo on the ferry.
Congratulations!!! My boyfriend and I are celebrating our 6th anniversary in july. It's crazy, how time flies. 🙂 Gorgeous pictures by the way. Especially that last shot.
Thank you, Severien! The time really has zipped by. I can't believe I'm nearing forty when I feel like it's only been a couple of years since that photo on the ferry.