Last Stop, El Cosmico (Road Trip 2010)
I know the vacation photos seem endless, but I thought El Cosmico deserved a post all it’s own. It’s another one of Marfa‘s treasures, parked in a pasture. …
I know the vacation photos seem endless, but I thought El Cosmico deserved a post all it’s own. It’s another one of Marfa‘s treasures, parked in a pasture. …
We took the kids trail riding over the weekend, squeezing the last few drops out of a thoroughly used up summer with an equally squeezed pocketbook. So, we loaded up…
(365 Day 159) We went on up into Utah after the Grand Canyon, meeting some friends at Zion Park. After the cold at The Grand Canyon this was a real…
(365 Day 219) This is a short post without much substance to it. I just like old stuff. Got some dollar suitcases for storage in the bathroom since a certain…
-Neil Schweiber, Freaks and Geeks But I think I’ve seen it more than 47. (365 Day 216 Dig the Star Puffs) For fun, I did a search on the top…
A few more images from our road trip to the Grand Canyon Point Imperial Cape Royal below on my Flickr
Petrified Forest leg of trip: Old Route 66:On my Flickr
I made my first homebrewed kombucha tea this week. (365 Day 204 Photo) Actually it was my first kombucha to try ever, and I don’t think it really brews- just…
After the whole Wupakti thing, we were ready for the grand canyon, I gotta say a lot of this privately owned land off the highway is just as beautiful as…