(365 Day 258) My son ate sleepily at the breakfast table telling us his dream the other day with 20 second pauses between phrases: “I had this dream… last night…I…
It isn’t often that you hear someone say, “I need Isaiah!” As in the prophet, the book in the Old Testament. As in “Woe to you…” (365 Day 257) Today…
We go through phases: brownies and Battlestar (before it was laughable,) or chips,salsa, and The Closer. Sometimes we just finish our day, all of us, reading on my bed….
I was re-reading old posts the other day, since the main point of this blog was for me to keep track of me. I never really thought anyone would…
We had an unexpected storm that day. (365 Day 250) “My feet are planted in the waist-high reedsIn the shadows in the shape of treesThrough the kingdom’s smoky leavesYou’d be…
Sorry for the title, but I just felt so compelled. I’ve been thinking about reviving an old tradition, sort of. (365 Day 249) I know that my ancestors, both…
I found these over the weekend in our backyard and hurried to take pictures before my husband cranked up the mower. My dad told me how mushrooms will grow in…
Yes, I graduated from it. I don’t know if it’s nostalgia or laziness (my husband thinks I’m resistant to change) but it can’t be too extreme or I wouldn’t be…
This is an old friend of mine. No, not the gnome; the fern, silly. It’s a fluffly ruffle fern, I think. It’s been with me through 10 years of…