Space Filling
Space filling is what my sister used to call the times my brother and I were little and would act extra silly and ramble on about things (“wouldn’t it be…
Space filling is what my sister used to call the times my brother and I were little and would act extra silly and ramble on about things (“wouldn’t it be…
I keep saying I’m about to finish this, but it seems to be the never-ending Oatmeal Pullover. The whole point of a no- brainer sweater is to relax…
It’s that time of the year… (365 Day 313) I pulled out the garish/cold weather/workout/straight jacket/compression/ shirts to get motivated. I love to be outdoors, but I hate being cold….
The other night, I was looking around the house for some way to get a 365 in using any part of me but my face and crazy hair, when I…
I’m enjoying these faded colors. (365 Day 310) late peppers
I was trying that day. (365 Day 307) It was gray and yucky and I needed some color. But I’ve since given up and hibernated all weekend. (365 Day 309)…
This is one of the last flowers I’ll have in the yard until next Spring. (365 Day 306) These roses shouldn’t even have survived all these years. Their tenacity surprised…
I have been, even if my week’s practice all takes place in two evenings or one marathon session of once popular tunes. (365 Day 305) Right now the challenge is…
I’m pretty grounded, but once in a while I get wistful like a child and draw up a long, impossible Christmas list in my head because it’s winter and that’s…