More Cowl
I made a few Stripe Ed Cowls this month, trying different things with them. I loved working with Louet Gems light- worsted wool on the one below. It felt very…
It’s two months into the new year and though I haven’t changed my blog banner in forever and have yet to use the film scanner and Diana 35mm back, I…
This is my finished Selbu Modern. This is a good colorwork project for a beginner who doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by something larger. I’m not really a beginner, but…
There was rejoicing in the morning Sunday, and not just because it was a day of worship. I have to admit, some of the cause for the gigantic mental smile I…
I always look at photos of group crafters with wistfulness and a little disbelief. Where do all these people live that enjoy hand crafts? Oregon? Canada? It must be staged….
When I was about 22 I found a book in the library about getting artistic photographs from instant cameras. In it the author mentioned a collection of photos called The…
It’s a good thing I have a film scanner and these newly developed film photos of my little ones (see below) to soothe my aching heart because I’ve been having…
You know you have some. I reside in a world of knitting bloggers who love posting details about their finished knits with beautiful photos of themselves wearing them and looking…
This film is probably 4 years old. It’s 120, which I guess is why I had it taped up and sealed in a pouch inside of a grocery bag I’d…