2011 So Far
My gardening style is to wait and see what happens. I mean wait too long and then eventually wade into the mess to assess the damage. I have been…
Pure castile soap: no scents, no additives. Love it. I’ve had trouble finding a soap for my sensitive, acne treated skin that would clean away makeup and not dry me…
Don’t you love that point when a color changes? It could be from winter brown to spring green, from green to blooming, or from the stem to the end of…
I have a choice with this post. I can just upload the photos, or use dance as a metaphor for some aspect of life, or I can say what I’m…
The bear said, Isabel, glad to meet you, How do, Isabel, now I’ll eat you!Isabel, Isabel, didn’t worry,Isabel didn’t scream or scurry.She washed her hands and she straightened…
Just a quick greeting before I sign out for the weekend. Looking forward to seeing my family and celebrating what Christ did for me, and you, and them. (365…
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lols. Nice movie reference.
I'm always changing my template around. If you need help finding html codes let me know. I love that stuff.
Oh ya, and I changed my blog URL. I moved to
Come visit me!
Happy new year!
how great to see your blog again, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it and forgot to bookmark it so thanks for commenting on mine and getting me back to yours! congratulations on your 365, what an achievement. I love these pictures of grandmas kitchen and your four days. I do love your style of photography and your words. I am now going to try and find your follow list.
oh my, I can completely relate. Last week I wanted to "lighten" my blog a bit. I somehow ended up completely losing the very altered template I had. I was so frustrated that I eventually just left it, I may work on it another time. For now I can live with it. I can't even find the navigation bar in the html code to hide it – I got so frustrated, I just left it.