Thought I’d Lost This Cd Like the Tape Before It
If only I had the lp.
Since I’ve been waxing lyrical about podcasters I enjoy, I must mention one of my favorites- Libby of Truly Myrtle. This is her pattern, Settler Shawl, that I’m working on…
I had a “Little House” experience recently. Remember that big garden that I’ve wanted since I started blogging? The one my husband was never too excited about? Well, with the…
It’s been a busy week of making Christmas gifts. As I was clicking the mouse to arrange the same pictures differently for calendars over and over, or wrapping wire…
Has anyone heard this? I was in line at Barnes and Noble with more than I planned to buy, of course, the other day when I noticed a new Natalie…
Our marriage is 21, that is. We celebrated it quietly by almost forgetting and remodeling our tiny kitchen. It will now be a nicer looking, tiny kitchen. But a…