Hangers On
These roses shouldn’t even have survived all these years. Their tenacity surprised me. Now, they’ve crept up past my bathroom windowsill and I see them every morning moving in the breeze. I was feeling a little sentimental about them.
These roses shouldn’t even have survived all these years. Their tenacity surprised me. Now, they’ve crept up past my bathroom windowsill and I see them every morning moving in the breeze. I was feeling a little sentimental about them.
You’re looking at some of my swatches that I’ve been gathering for a swatch blanket inspired by Ysolda‘s crazy swatch jumble in the pages of Little Red in the City….
If you can’t tell, I’ve been putting off taking proper photos of finished knits. I have a sweater, four hats, a shawl, and a cowl finished and just waiting for…
Here’s a few more daily photos from the end of summer. day 222 day 231 day 262 day 235
I love everything about backyards: hammocks, kids, dogs, cats, neighbors, grills, grass underfoot, moon and stars at dusk, charcoal, flowers, bubbles, water, rock collections, sand, picnics, lemonade, hide and seek,…
I think I should have more positive things to say about last year than just that my daughter got married and the wedding turned out beautiful. I’m sure that I…
I decided to use 365 as an excuse to take new photos of some of my sweaters for my Ravelry. The old ones were either taken with a poor camera…