I am not too zealous with resolutions because I’m fairly disciplined and don’t really need extra pressure. Since they’re all things I really want to do, deep down, I figure…
I am not too zealous with resolutions because I’m fairly disciplined and don’t really need extra pressure. Since they’re all things I really want to do, deep down, I figure…
14 sweaters, 3 hats, 3 cowls, a purse, and a pair of socks. That’s my tally. Two thoughts:1) Am I now a robot?2) Should I have joined a “Knit 1.2…
Two days ago, we said goodbye to our first dog. He’s not my first pet to lose but he is the first one I ever felt like I could talk…
Forget sweater curses; this sweater is blessed. It’s made with love for the man I love who has tolerated knitting needles left in dangerous places, has payed for yarn I…
I love walking in the evening at Christmastime. All of the lights from within houses like hearths, or little rectangular beacons, glow to draw family home. I can’t pass…
This ball of yarn is becoming the perfect winter sweater. I kind of love working on this. It’s really hard to put it down and do things like feed people,…
The knitting portion of my clutch is finished and bottom seam sewn with backstitch. It may be the second neatest seam I have ever sewn, which is good since I’m…
Quick, what thoughts enter your mind when you hear the term “sweater curse?” Witchcraft? A sweater with an intarsia “#@!!” worked on the front of it? Bill Cosby? Me,…