Things I Learned Over the Summer
A reminder for those days when I feel like everything I do is undone in a moment after school, nothings seems accomplished, and I’m going to bed in a messy house…
How to spot a queen in the making
A reminder for those days when I feel like everything I do is undone in a moment after school, nothings seems accomplished, and I’m going to bed in a messy house…
How to spot a queen in the making
Years ago, I read an article about recycling thrift store sweaters by Ashley Martineau. I promptly went out and bought a rubbermaid tub full of thrift store sweaters to unravel.Two…
I started Canyon , by Mel Ski, earlier this summer on a day trip to Galveston Island with my daughter and her husband. It sounds so idyllic… being on the isle……
I harvested seeds heads a few months ago, put them in paper bags, and carefully avoided them and the mania I knew would ensue if I got started separating them,…
I get too ambitious sometimes. This was my first spring garden to start on time, so with a small space and lack of old-timers wisdom, I had to plant a…
I don’t need them. I just want them. In no particular order of importance: – A Murphy bed for my son’s room. It’s a good choice for such a small room…
I finished this pair of Speckled Space Socks that make me think of Viper Pilots’ Wings about a week ago, then immediately cast on for pairs 11 and 12. On a deadline…