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Hi there! Thanks for coming by and saying hi! I haven't been to your blog in a while either, but your pictures are stunning as always 🙂 I am excited to follow you on instagram now, I am much better at keeping up there than on blogs 🙂 I really love the pictures of the tomatoes!
Are those your very own grapes growing in your yard? And tomatoes? If so, awesome! Love the shots of your summer so far. 🙂
It's funny how we can "bump" into each other online like we would at the supermarket, April. I'm so pleased to see your photography business is going strong, and your family growing. I so admire your portrait taking skills!
Yes, Gail, they are. However, there isn't much more than what you see there. It's a small garden this year, but it's enough to give us a taste of summer.
Yum, fresh tomatoes. Ever since my boyfriend got me tomatoes from his granddads greenhouse, I never buy them in the stores anymore. We're trying to grown our own this year. 🙂 Delicious!
And those blue shades of yarn make me guess you started the Umbre Lovre?
I'm sure you'll have good luck with your tomatoes, too. These survived despite the poorly tilled soil of our latest garden. I'm surprised we had as many as we did, but I think the soil will improve with composting in the fall. And, I'm almost ready to start the Umbre top. I'm on my last sleeve of Paulie, dutifully finishing one project before starting another. 🙂
I think our soil is good, unfortunately the climate here isn't that great for growing tomatoes… But we're doing our best anyway. 🙂
I can't wait to see your finished Paulie! I'm always trying to finish my WIP's before starting new ones but I can't resist… Hmmm. At least I'm trying. 😉