Mini Christmas Boot Cuffs…
The sold grey pair were knit for a junior girl, so I only reduced the stockinette portion of the pattern by 6 stitches. For the other two, I cut the stitches in half and used rib stitch when directed to use stockinette. I hoped this would help the cuffs stay in place. I also shortened the cable stitch repeats by one repeat so they wouldn’t be too long for small legs. I was in the zone at that point, so there was no stopping to consider the usefulness of these on active, squirmy children.
I don’t know if these two smallest cuffs will even work. They look pretty doggone tiny, but my daughter’s legs were like that until she was 15 so I have no frame of reference. They were just a little extra something, anyway. If they don’t fit, or are immediately misplaced, it’s no biggie. I can always force my dog to wear them so he’ll look Flashdance-y.
Aaaalmost done with gift knitting. At this point, I have several FOs to post about; some WIPs, and a few gifts. Wait, this sounds familiar. Think Twelve Days of Christmas:
8 buttons for sewing,
7 orders for placing,
6 boot cuffs knitted,
5 new skeins distracting,
4 sleeves magic looping,
3 photos waiting,
and 1 hat for a friend