My best friends are together now. I am happy for them, but I’m still sad for me. I don’t feel up to composing a post that is worthy of her right now, but I will say that she was a beautiful example of a loving, Christian grandmother, a mother figure to me after my mom died, and a lifelong friend. I had some of my best times with her and am so very grateful that my children can say the same.
The amount of people that showed up to celebrate her life is a testament to how well she loved people, and was loved. The fact that their ages ranged from youths to friends in their 90s spoke to me too.

I’m not even going to pretend I know how I will process this. But I will, and I will let her live through my hands and voice as much as I can. I am comforted by the thought of her and my Papaw together with my mother. John 14:2 and 3 says Christ went to prepare a place for me there too. After walking beside them, as they approached death, life doesn’t seem all that long to me and death not as frightening. I firmly believe I will see them again.