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Occasionally I actually dress up, wear nice shoes, put on jewelry, or at least comb through my hair. I’ve never been big on “pretty.” It just wasn’t in my vocabulary….
Back to Normal
This week I got behind on… everything. I could list all of the things vying for my time: the boring and the fantastic, but I can sum it up with…
Can’t stop hearing this song since I started knitting the Caramel Sweater by Isabell Kraemer. It’s basically a striped, boxy, blanket – style cardigan that can be worn open or…
Great, Another Thing to Dismantle
(365 Day 140 Photo) I really don’t know much about these tlr’s. I saw that the collars around the lenses were frozen up and as I researched how to clean…
Furrowed Pullover
I can’t believe I’ve knit something this massive and gorgeous and haven’t posted about it once until it was finished. That’s the kind of busy I have been. I had…
Christmas Snapshots
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