B Sides
Whenever this 365 Days project is over I should do another 365 of only B sides, you know the multitude of rotten shots that the decent ones are nestled between…
I joined happy purple tuesday a few weeks ago, but had yet to contribute so I took these. (I like how washed out it looks.) (on my Flickr) Then,…
…I would think he was the coolest, even if he does have a dragon fixation and gets fussed at…
I am also my son’s school project assistant, my daughter’s semi- conscious chauffeur, and family party planner and head chef. (365 Days 266-269) All very satisfying distractions.
The bear said, Isabel, glad to meet you, How do, Isabel, now I’ll eat you!Isabel, Isabel, didn’t worry,Isabel didn’t scream or scurry.She washed her hands and she straightened…
I know the vacation photos seem endless, but I thought El Cosmico deserved a post all it’s own. It’s another one of Marfa‘s treasures, parked in a pasture. …
(365 days 259- 264) These are coming from the week (or two) of migraine. But I don’t think about that when I look at them. It’s funny how a seemingly…
One of my favorite people turned 87 recently. My grandmother and my friend. There is no place I love to go more than her house. I’ve spent so much…
This was the…