One of My Favorite Songs
Thought I’d share one of my favorite songs:
You can only knit so many blue, green, and grey sweaters before you know it’s time to move on and try something new. Of course, in my case, I outgrew…
I have a choice with this post. I can just upload the photos, or use dance as a metaphor for some aspect of life, or I can say what I’m…
The Harnett Tank is my evening tv project. It’s knitting up fairly quickly with just a little work each night. It was supposed to be my Arrested Development knit, but…
I really should be almost finished with the Downton knitalong sweater, but lots of things have been happening in our lives and that of close family. My time to work…
It’s always been my favorite color. I remember joyfully coloring with the “Blue-green,” “Green-blue,” or the “Robin’s Egg Blue” interchangeably. The larger crayola sets that had them were like the…
Thanks to everyone who chimed in about how to tackle all my works-in-progress! I have a plan now.I’ve already cleared my work space by blocking 3 knits yesterday. Thanks to…
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These images are amazingly gorgeous.
Thanks, Ninotchka. I don't usually like photos I take indoors- I am equipmentless. But, this little bust was so cool, it made the shot.
Love the colors on the first photo! Beautiful song. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Gail!